Our Story
WellSeal was Invented by Steve Bogush while Building His First Home
He wanted the well to provide his family with safe drinking water. Prior to this, they lived in town and their water was provided by public water systems.
Growing up, Steve’s Uncle Harry owned and operated an environmental testing lab. Steve spent his summers working alongside his uncle, which instilled in him the understanding of the need for safe drinking water. This background, along with his curiosity, led him to a conversation with the well driller about the well cap and its function. In Steve’s eyes, the well cap posed a huge risk of unauthorized access.
The well driller confirmed Steve’s worst fears; wells are commonly tampered with during the construction process. The well driller told Steve about instances where lumber and other items were being put into wells at neighboring construction sites.
Steve was granted US Patent No. 9,995,100 on June 12, 2018 which is when the fun began. He turned an idea into a product which could be offered commercially. With Troy’s constant encouragement and entrance into the business, progress continued. Today, Steve’s vision of tamper evident seals has come to fruition. WellSeal is now commercially available to protect most well cap sizes, providing for the safety of well water for his family and many others!